Monday, September 24, 2012


Accountability is such a powerful thing. God created it to help us stay on course with different things, but mainly to make sure our walk with him is going in the right direction. Cain was not holding himself accountable, God had to step in and bring accountability to him about his brother Abel. Should we be our brothers keeper? Should we be held responsible for the spiritual walk of our brothers and sister in Christ? I believe so! It's not our complete responsibility to make sure they are walking down the right, the path God has for them, we can't force anyone to do anything! But we can be the support they need in their daily walk! If you are continually there offering support, offering encourage and holding them accountable, it will be much less likely that our brothers and sisters will stumble and fall! God is not a respecter of men. He does not care if you are a business man, or a teacher, or even a pastor! Everyone has their own specific gifts and we need to walk in them, but he wants us to be that accountability to our friends and family! He wants us to encourage the people around us even if they just faltered, even if they don't know what to do, even when the burdens of the world have become to much for them! Encourage them to go before God! To pray and seek his face! To read his word! I'm going to finish this up with asking a few questions.

When was the last time you read your Bible? When was the last time you encouraged someone to read their Bible? When was the last time you prayed? When was the last time you prayed with someone else? When was the last time you encouraged someone to pray? When was the last time you were held accountable by a friend or a family member? When was the last time you helped hold someone accountable? When was the last time you were encouraged in your walk with God? When was the last time you encouraged someone else in their walk with God? And finally when was the last time you put someone else's needs before your own?


  1. Thank you. Inspiring and convicting.

    1. Your welcome Anonymous. And thank you for your feed back! It is most greatly appreciated!

      Gabriel Sutton
      Jeremiah 29:11
