Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Taking advantage of life

The Bible says that life is a fleeting vapor!!! Does that mean our life is a fleeting vapor compared to him or everything around us? I would have to believe that he is referring to everything around us.... like the Universe for instance!!! But why does God say this? Why does God use this very clear description? I think I may know the answer...... But Im not sure?! Please let me know what ya'll think with your comments! 

God makes it very clear that he loved us so much that he gave his only Son, Jesus as our ulimate Sacrifice.... the greatest gift he could have given... but it was also the greatest sacrifice he ever made.... I mean it was his Son! So if God loves us that much then why does he say this? He also says some other things that are very hard to understand.... He said he knows all the stars by name?! Thats nuts.... so with that in your mind, how can we be so important that he would give us his son to die a horrific death so that we may live.... and then say our life is a fleeting vapor?! It really doesn't make much sense..... But if you really pray about it, it's like he is giving us a warning..... like *Look Ahead, You Don't Have That Long To Live Here On Earth, So Make Sure You Do What Is Right..... Make Sure You Can Affect As Many People As You Can!!!* Imagine if thats what God is actually saying to us! What if it's like a point of advice... so that we can do as much as we can to bring our almighty God glory.... to bring as many people as possible to knowing him?! What if he wants us to realize something more important than life itself.... Eternity with Him! Allowing Us to have a personal relationship with him.... A Responsibility to show other people how great and amazing our God is....Allowing other people to enjoy the same Love and Joy we have because of him!!! WHAT IF?!

Things I try to practice

Life, Life is something fragile, something that has to be taken care of, something that has to be nurtured and cared for, something that cannot be misused or mistreated and something ppl have no idea about!!!! Life wasn't meant to be easy, it is meant to be fun and exciting..... we ourselves can control all of these things by simple principles.......
1: Rely on God.... don't rely on anyone or anything except for God and his son!
2:Don't put expectations on people, because people will always let you down... don't lose faith in them.... but never expect; expectations are things that are rarely met, and will always leave you empty.....
3:Don't live YOUR life to make other people happy, because it ties in with number two, if you live YOUR life trying to make other people happy you will never be able to meet their expectations and therefore you will let them down! If you live life to make yourself happy, in return you will make others happy, because you will be in a better mood, you will be full of energy and full of vigor, instead of stuck in a rut trying to figure out how to make others happy when your unhappy yourself!
4:Put others before yourself!!!! It may sound contradictory to 3 but in reality it plays a huge factor in pushing 3 along..... if you put someone's needs before your own not only have you met their needs, but you have also made yourself happy because you were able to help someone, see you still helped yourself be happy!!!! If your quality of life is high, and YOU can do things for you (such as dancing like your by yourself even though people are watching, or singing for yourself no matter if you suck and people are making fun of you but you don't care because your singing is for you, not them) then you can love others like they need to be! Because your doing things for you, and in return your helping others! Even though they may be Deaf after wards ;)
5:Love like it's going outta style, the more love given out the more love you will receive, now yes some people will not love yo back, but who cares!!!! You got Millions of other people to get love from and you just keep giving it!
6:Don't open yourself up to allow yourself to be hurt..... now yes, romantically you have to give your entire heart to the one you Love and trust them, have FAITH in them to take care of it.... just like they would take care of their own heart full of love!!!!
7:Love others exactly the same you would want others to Love you..... Treat them with the same respect that you would want yourself!
8:Don't let things bother you, don't let things get underneath your skin, like water off a ducks back! Go with the Flow!!!!!
9:Figure out yourself...... learn WHO YOU ARE!!!!! and learn to Love yourself!!!!! I believe to many people have no idea who they are, because they are too caught up in others, i.e. Friends, Family, games, food, alcohol, etc. Whatever it may be that they find comfort in, what they find to do, let it go..... Figure out who you are for you!!!! Not for anyone else, but for you!!!!
I know my Identity is wrapped up in God, and yeah some of these things may be way off, they could be plan wrong...... but right now I believe this is whats gonna get me where I need to be, with God, with others and with myself!!!! Thanks for reading whoever did!!!!! Peace Out!!!!!
With Much Love,
Gabriel Sutton

Sufferings don't have to be

Why is it when God tells us to do something we fight him on it??? I know God told me to do something 2yrs. ago and I didn't do it! I started off strong in it! But then stopped! Because of my disobedience I am suffering the consequences of those actions! If I would have obeyed him then and stayed strong, it would have caused much less heart ache and struggles! I would be in a completely different situation right now! I hope my mindset and my actions will change! I am truly trying to reevaluate my life! I don't want to live a mediocre life anymore! I'm sick and tired of settling for the second best of EVERYTHING!!! My life is SO much more important than that! God wants whats best for me! But sometimes we just can't see that! Or maybe it's just me?! I'm not sure???  I pray God will use the broken person that I am!!! I don't deserve or even need to be given a chance to serve God! I don't deserve or even need to be allowed to be a leader! But it's not about me!!! It's ALL about JESUS CHRIST!!! My savior! My King!!! My Brother! My FRIEND!!!! Because of him, because of the sacrifice he made, because he loves me, because I mean the world to HIM, that's why I am given a chance at life!!! Not just any life! But eternal life through him!!! There's not enough I can say about my God!!! There's not enough words to express how thankful I am to him for everything he's done for me!!! He is EVERYTHING I need!!!!!


I learned something today through carrying a canoe?! The easiest way to make progress in our lives is usually the most painful!!! We make the greatest progress in our lives when we sacrifice our flesh! But who wants to sacrifice their flesh?! I know I don't.... escpecially today while carrying that canoe! The easiest way to carry it was also the way that took the most time, and held us up from walking quicker!!! But the hardest and most painful way was the way to make up the most ground and the way we walked the quickest!!! It took a while to finally figure that out while walking down the road, but I finally gave in along with my friend and walked with it so we could make the most progress.... I finally learned what the big hold up is! It's not God who takes so long to do things, It's us who takes too long to let him do the things that requires us to make sacrifices in our daily lives and which causes the most pain! If we would just allow God to do and show us the easiest way to get through our trials and tribulations, then maybe we wouldn't have to go through so much crap, to get to the same point in the end, because with God you always have to give up what is keeping you further from him!


So tonight as I was watching America's Got Talent, I couldn't help but think I have nothing that I have ever put everything on the line for! Nothing I've worked so hard to achieve! It was a very sad thought as I sat there enjoying this television show watching as each performer poured their heart and soul out on the stage! It's amazingly beautiful to me how people can love what they are doing so much! They have such a passion for it, such a drive, a motivation! It's simply incredible! I pray and ask God for this drive, this determination they have! I see it and want it! I long for it! That passion! The passion I see in their eyes is simply beautiful and absolutely breathe taking! I have never personally experienced this in my own life! I've never had a passion so intense for something that I would stop at nothing to see it be fulfilled! I pray I find that passion for something! That drive that motivation! It's a beautiful thing to watch as each performer is up there. To me it's always been the no name stars who are the best to watch! they are the ones you can ALWAYS truly see the passion and desire in their eyes! You feel what they feel as they perform! It grips you, it grabs directly at your soul, your heart! You want to know what it's like! That's the sign of a true performer! That's the sign of a great speaker! That right there is the sign of a GREAT Leader! I want that! I want to become that! I will become that!

Life's decisions

Life's so full of decisions, some good, some bad. I don't believe any of us always think about the consequences of the decisions we make, especially when we may not see the result for years down the road. I'm praying I become more mindful of this simple fact, no matter what decision is made it WILL have a consequence whether it be good or bad! I really wish I could change the last 2 years of my life, especially the last 7 months or so. I've made very rash, very stupid decisions in this time period. I know I'm not perfect, I've never claimed to be, but I have claimed to know what I'm doing.... Which I don't! That right there is what has put me in the situation I am in currently! God only knows how long I've ran from him and what he has wanted me to do. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt I have wasted away my life thus far. I'm capable of being so much more if I would just allow God to take over and take control! I've never really listened to my parents in life. If I would have I could be in a much better place. All the dreams I've had for myself have fallen to the wayside because I've been ridiculous in the things I've done, the money I've wasted, the decisions I've made. People tell me I'm too hard on myself, but I'm not, in fact I'm probably not hard enough! I've decided to turn my life around currently, I've given the wheel to God, he is the potter and I'm the clay! Something I've realized lately is it's not becuse of me, it's all because of Jesus, it's not because of me, it's because of who he is! Now it's something I've known but never realized. Realization of something can be a VERY powerful thing! Realizing something means it's become real! It's the same thing as having heard something and having listened to something! If you listen to something you take heed! You have understood that and will act accordingly! I don't know why I've waited this long to start acting on what I've known for a long time?! Maybe it just wasn't my time? Maybe I had to hurt myself so many times and miss out on SO many amazing opportunities that I finally gave up, which I officially did towards the beginning of this year! I no longer cared, I lost a desire and a love for life! I became depressed, which never happens! I became stressed out and if you know me I'm a free spirited person and stress is not something I'm used too! I'm never stressed out! I allowed my health to deteriorate and I became sicker than I've ever been! Now I'm at the point of trying to climb out of the hole I dug for MYSELF! Why did I do this? WHY?? It could have been so much easier for me if I would have done all of this stuff to begin with, actually listen to my parents, do what God asked of me and MANNED UP! I have no idea what it means to be a man! I hope maybe I'm on my way. I hope ya'll enjoyed reading this and that it ministered to at least someone out there. God bless you all! 

With Much Love,
Gabriel Sutton