Wednesday, June 27, 2012


So tonight as I was watching America's Got Talent, I couldn't help but think I have nothing that I have ever put everything on the line for! Nothing I've worked so hard to achieve! It was a very sad thought as I sat there enjoying this television show watching as each performer poured their heart and soul out on the stage! It's amazingly beautiful to me how people can love what they are doing so much! They have such a passion for it, such a drive, a motivation! It's simply incredible! I pray and ask God for this drive, this determination they have! I see it and want it! I long for it! That passion! The passion I see in their eyes is simply beautiful and absolutely breathe taking! I have never personally experienced this in my own life! I've never had a passion so intense for something that I would stop at nothing to see it be fulfilled! I pray I find that passion for something! That drive that motivation! It's a beautiful thing to watch as each performer is up there. To me it's always been the no name stars who are the best to watch! they are the ones you can ALWAYS truly see the passion and desire in their eyes! You feel what they feel as they perform! It grips you, it grabs directly at your soul, your heart! You want to know what it's like! That's the sign of a true performer! That's the sign of a great speaker! That right there is the sign of a GREAT Leader! I want that! I want to become that! I will become that!

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