Wednesday, October 3, 2012


This is a 2 part blog guys but they go so well together I'm keeping it as one. It's all centered around prayer. Prayer is such a powerful thing! It strengthens your walk with God, helps you stay on track, allows you to keep a close and intimate relationship with Jesus. But I believe that prayer is not used as much as it should be and often times misused. WHOA! WAIT! Did you just say misused? Yes I did. But I'm getting ahead of myself, let me explain.

I want you to take a quick look around you and at your life. Is it comfortable? Is it spacious? Do you feel free? Are people constantly telling you cannot do this because it's illegal? Well hopefully your answers are all pretty positive. Except for maybe that last one. People may not literally be telling you it's illegal to do this or it's illegal to do that, but slowly our freedoms are being taken away! Here just recently the University of Tennessee came under fire for their pregame ritual at Neyland Stadium, that ritual was nothing but a 30 second invocation or prayer, whatever you would like to call it. Now in the Constitution it says we have freedom of religion and a freedom to express that religion, we also have a freedom of speech. The Freedom From Religion Foundation aka FFRF is saying that what UT is doing is illegal and should not be allowed. It also says what is going on is offensive towards individuals that do not share the same beliefs. Now I had no idea that saying a prayer that no one asked or said you had to be involved in would cause you to be offended simply because someone was saying a prayer in the facility you were in. Maybe it offends me that you find me doing this offensive; maybe I find it offensive that you’re trying to take away my right to express my religious beliefs. If the courts decide to rule on behalf of the FFRF that will cause a very steep and slippery slope that this Nation is not ready to go down and should never have to go down! Therefore we need to do something about it! In the 1970's Martin Luther King Jr. Saw the injustices happening and did something about it! His actions are what started the civil rights movement. His prayer, transferred into action! James chapter 2 talks about this.  Faith without works is dead. If you do not put action to your faith, what good is it? MLK Jr. put action to his faith, he saw an injustice and changed the face of this nation! We as believers must do the same thing!  We must rise up and begin putting action to our faith if we want to see change. 

When will we as Christians begin to act as the disciples did in the book of Acts? When Peter, Paul and Stephen were all told to stop preaching, to stop bringing the message of Jesus Christ out to the people, how did they respond? They responded by saying do what you need to do and we shall do what we need to do! If you so deem it necessary to make it illegal to preach these things and spread the gospel then you will just have to arrest us! That was the meaning, but of course I paraphrased and used different words. Things are beginning to get so bad that people are getting fined over home bible studies! ( Now how can this be? We live in The United States of America! You cannot fine an individual or a family for having a Bible study in their home. It is unconstitutional and it is wrong! What would be happening if the people, if the Christians of the country ROSE up and prayed? Would this happen if we ROSE up in numbers against the government for the things they have started to do to us and the things they have started to say? I don't believe so! I believe they would leave and back off and allow us to freely express ourselves! We need to start acting like the early Christian church! We HAVE to start acting like the early Christian church! We need to start acting as the disciples did in Acts! We have to begin to do this before it is too late!

                There are many Christians out there, praying for the judgment of God to fall upon this Nation, to judge it of all of its wickedness and perversions. This saddens my heart deeply! We should not be praying for judgment upon this Nation, we should be praying that this Nation be spared! That God would show us his mercy and give us a chance to prove ourselves! Not only that but let’s get Biblical, the Bible says in 1 Peter 4:17 “For it is time for judgment to begin with the household of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God?” I know I am personally not ready to be judged by God almighty. I’m still working on my walk. Are you ready? Are the people praying this ready? Or even taking this verse into consideration? These Christians are saying that if God doesn’t judge this Nation then he will have to apologize for destroying Sodom and Gomorrah! #1 that all happened in the old testament before Jesus came and paid for our sins! And brought us grace! #2 Abraham prayed and fasted to God to spare those cities! In Genesis 18 Abraham begins to speak with the Lord. The Lord tells him “Because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very grievous; I will go down now, and see whether they have done altogether according to the cry of it, which is come unto me; and if not, I will know.” Yet Abraham responded saying “Wilt thou also destroy the righteous with the wicked? Peradventure there be fifty righteous within the city: wilt thou also destroy and not spare the place for the fifty righteous that are therein? That be far from thee to do after this manner, to slay the righteous with the wicked: and that the righteous should be as the wicked, that be far from thee: Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?” And the Lord answered his request saying “If I find in Sodom fifty righteous within the city, then I will spare all the place for their sakes.” After the Lord could not find fifty righteous in the cities, Abraham stayed with God and continued to intercede and pray for the cities, all the way till he finally said “If you find ten there will you not destroy this city?” And the Lord said “I shall not destroy the city for the sake of ten.” Abraham knew the city was evil, yet he continued to pray and intercede for the city! God did not find any righteous in the city and he only tried to spare Lot and his family because of Abraham! Because of Abraham’s righteous cries to God, did he spare them! We need to have the heart of Abraham and pray that God will spare this nation for the sake of the righteous! Because “Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference.” Romans 3:22. How many righteous are here? How many righteous are in the entire Nation, not just a city, but an entire Nation? We need to pray that God spares this Nation for the sake of the righteous, however if we pray this, the righteous need to rise up! We need to rise up as children of God as spoken of in Isaiah 60! The entire chapter talks about the children of God rising up and the light of shining upon his people, to the extent the gentiles, kings and all the people of the earth will recognize and come to us! They will be converted because of the light we show! For the presence of the Lord will abound! If we want to take this Nation we have to be as the children of Israel were in Joshua 6:16-20! We shall raise our voice's in one accord and make this spiritual wall fall! We have the power through Christ Jesus to do this! We must do this! 

                2nd Chronicles 7:14-16 says “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. Now mine eyes shall be open, and mine ears attent unto the prayer that is made in this place. For now have I chosen and sanctified this house, that my name may be there forever: and mine eyes and mine heart shall be there perpetually.” How powerful are these scriptures during this time in our Nation! People, rise up! Read your Bible, seek the face of the Lord! Search for God’s heart! More of you oh Lord and less of me! Isaiah 55:8 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are my ways yours.” Saith the Lord. Pray and focus on God! He knows what he is doing and going to do! Just TRUST in him. Give thanks unto God for he is the Alpha and the Omega. The beginning and the end.

                Look at Acts 12. Peter is delivered out of the hands of Herod and there are many people gathered praying for Peter in the house of Mary the mother of John. When Peter does finally show up NO ONE believes it is him! They say it must be his angel! For he is in the hands of Herod! But Peter continually knocked upon the gate to be let in. When they finally answered and opened the door they were astonished to find him standing there. James 4:3 says “Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts.” Let’s take a look at this and break it down. James 3:4 is explained to an extent in Acts 12. Why would you pray and ask God for something if you DO NOT expect him to deliver and answer your request! For it is an empty prayer. For God knows the intent and desires of our heart. He will give you the desires of your heart. (Psalm 37:4) If your desire is to see God move he will move! The beginning of the verse says “Delight yourself in the Lord.” Delight oh children of God! Seek him and he will be found!  Secondly pray with the RIGHT desire in your heart. If God knows what you are praying and knows the desires of your heart to be wicked then he will not answer those prayers because “you will consume it upon your lusts.” God knows if the desire of your heart, if the intent of your heart is in the right place! Allow us to thank God continually for the blessings he has bestowed upon us! 1 Thessalonians 5:18 says “Give thanks in all things, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” Proverbs 3:5-6 also states “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all they ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.”

                I hope everyone enjoyed this and I also hope it encouraged you in your daily walk with God. I pray this will also change your outlook upon the world we live in and stir you up to pray for our Nation and our world! We need to once again become the light on the hill that Ronald Reagan referred to us as, likening us to the Light in the world and a city on a hill in Matthew 5:14. Let us remember that this nation was founded on principles that are here forever. The rock of this nation, the foundation of this nation, the cornerstone was for us to find religious freedom! So we may FREELY worship God! God has blessed us throughout the last 250 years and I believe he will continue to bless us if we as in 2 Chronicles 7:14-16 says “Humble yourselves and PRAY!” PRAY children of God! PRAY, for this nation depends on it! Your heart, your life, your families lives depend on YOU PRAYING! “So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.” Revelation 3:16. Be not lukewarm any longer! Become HOT and on fire for the things of God! Rise up for this is YOUR calling in the Lord Jesus Christ! Let US be the Light to the world! A city upon the hill which cannot be hidden! RISE UP!


  1. The constitution also says the freedom NOT to worship. Religion is thrown around wayyy too much. Kooky christians are no better than what the fundamental muslims are doing. America the land of the FREE means that a non believer has as many rights as a relgious person. And I am sick of people caring whether or not the president is a faithful, church going person. It hasn't helped us in the past , nor will it ever. Maybe a free thinker should be elected. That would be awesome.

    1. Thank you for your feed back Anonymous! I really do appreciate it! They do completely have the freedom not to worship! However taking away someone else's right to worship is just as bad. When an individual is at a location such as Neyland Stadium and an invocation is announced it doesn't mean they have to participate, they can do whatever they please. If they want to play on their phone, text people, get on the web.. It's 100% up to them! But saying that it's illegal for a group of people to express their religious beliefs is taking away their rights and their freedoms. But again thank you for your comment! Any feed back is much appreciated!

    2. Dear Pops On The Road, thank you for your feedback. I apologize for the first comment left. I'm still getting used to this whole comment and reply thing! lol

      But I fully agree with what you are saying! The feeling that political correctness is the way to go is such bull! Bobby Bowden said "Another way to describe political correctness is to just call it a lie." How true is that in a time like this?! I have not been around for many years but I do try my best to educate myself upon the goings and comings in the world today. It blows my mind that throughout ALL of history Islamic people have acted a certain way and today, they say we need to acknowledge they are a peaceful religion! Are you serious? PLEASE get your head out of the sand and do some research! Or maybe they just refuse to acknowledge the fact that Christians have NEVER done anything to harm anyone, but we have done our best to protect lives! Again thank you again for your feedback! It is greatly appreciated!

      Gabriel Sutton
      Jeremiah 29:11

    3. Anonymous: You are simply mean spirited. To even think of comparing Christians to Muslims. (I am speaking of the one's that blew up the twin towers.) There is good and bad on either end of the spectrum, but I haven't heard of any Christians blowing up things just for the sake of the Almighty. Gabriel, I much appreciated your post, thank you so much. God Bless You, God Bless America.

    4. Thank you Claudia for your comment! There are definitely Muslims on both end of this spectrum. I'm so very glad my post made a good impact! Please feel free to share with your friends and family!

      Gabriel Sutton

  2. Hi Gabriel...
    I enjoyed reading this, I can atest to everything you said, I find it offensive when people talk bad about us because we want a President that will stand for righteousness... I was proud just as everyone else to have our First Black President, something my parents didn't live to see, and I know they would of also been proud, but when stands against what is right were taken in that position, my heart was broken... broken for our country ... our Freedoms, liberty's and for Jesus.. Prayer is the key, it always has been.... I pray more now then I ever did, and I understand what it is to become lukewarm.. I also understand the repurcussion of that is the state of our nation right now. The non believers will never understand this, they are blinded.. but we must keep praying, I see a great awakening happening in America right now, and I am on board with that. We can do more on our knees than any other way, this opens the door for God almighty to do what only He can do, everyone will know that we had a visitation from the One true God!! Keep blogging, press on~

    1. Thank you so much for your comment Tara. I greatly appreciate everything I hear. I believe that God is trying to revive the church which seems to be very lethargic in resent years, unfortunately. It is time we step up to the plate and become the bride of Christ! It is time we become what we were called to be! There are few times in life where I truly just don't know what to do and for awhile here, I felt that way. But God pressed in me to write this post. To pray and seek him on behalf of this Nation. I'm glad that you enjoyed reading this post. Please feel free to share with friends and family! Here is the link to the rest of my posts if you are interested. ( Thank you again!

      Gabriel Sutton
      Jeremiah 29:11

  3. Gabriel, thank you for standing up, it is sad, more people are afraid to say we should stand up for what is right, we can't and shouldn't force others to believe as we might believe, but we must never be ashamed or afraid to be that one on the hill. You have spoken very precisely and I thank you. Many should be honored to have a President as Ronald R. was and not afraid to say how things are, I think that is what makes them angry about Mitt R. he stands for things others are afraid to stand up for. Well said.

    1. Thank you Patricia for your feedback. I do believe it is time people stand up for what they believe in and not cower to others or to the masses. I don't care what other people do on THEIR own time in front of me. Honestly it's none of my business, but I would much rather support a man who stands up for what he believes in! Thanks again.

      Gabriel Sutton
      Jeremiah 29:11

  4. To Claudia Haney How soon we forget. You say only Muslims blow up things I guess you forgot about all the kids and people who died in OKlahoma City which was blew up by Macvay when Clinton was POTUS who said he was a follower of David Kirsch at Waco TX.

    1. Anonymous thank you for your input. But David Koresh was a cult leader and he believed he was the final prophet of the Branch Davidians, which branched off of the seventh day adventist church. However Mt. Carmel, Koresh's headquaters, was always disputed by the "Branch" saying they were not legitimately acting under the rule and laws of their church. Sometimes people say they are under a certain group when in reality they obviously do not represent what they say they do by their actions. Such as the actions of the Nazi's who sang "Onward Christian Soldier" in German. Just because you claim to be something does not make it true. Muslims on a regular basis act out in such ways as described above in the name of Jihad all the time, not saying all Muslims are extremists, however there are way too many people claiming that as their faith and are all acting the same, across the entire world! I think we can agree that what happened in Waco and Oklahoma City are awful tragedies that we wish could have been avoided, just like we wish that the attacks in the middle east would cease, or that 9/11 never happened, but they have. We must now do what's best for this Nation and for ourselves as a whole. If we do not rise up and stand up for the constitution, stand up for the American people than we never will and all hope will eventually be lost!

      Gabriel Sutton
      Jeremiah 29:11

    2. Anonymous, just because someone claims it in the name of Jesus, does not make it Jesus' will. God calls us to love him and his people with all our hearts, soul and minds. He also says that you will know his people by their love. If you do not see love, they are not a true follower of Christ but are deceived by the enemy. Please don't let the actions of humans persuade you from the awesome power of Jesus Christ. For it is certain that no man that has ever lived other than Jesus Christ himself has show the true character of God. Seek God and you shall find him.

    3. Amen Anonymous! Thank you for your opinion! It is greatly appreciated! But your words are so true and powerful! Or should I say God's words! He has called us to a be "A light to the world, and a city upon a hill that cannot be hid." The world will know us by our actions! Hope you enjoyed reading! Thanks again

      Gabriel Sutton
      Jeremiah 29:11
